President George Bush dodges a reporters who threw is shoes at him while visiting Iraq 12 - 14 -08
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Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
American Shares Nobel Prize in Physics
American Yoichiro Nambu, 87, of the University of Chicago, shares the 2008 Nobel Prize for physics and half of the $1.4 million prize for the discovery of a mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry. (Oct. 7)
2009 Volkswagen GTI - Car and Driver
The quintessential hot hatch gets faster.
2010 Volkswagen Golf / Rabbit / GTI - Car News
Nobel Prize for Glow Sticks?
What was this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry all about? Our professor watches the live announcement then talks in simple terms about the winners.
Two previous winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry are fans of our YouTube videos.
John McCain and Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin has just been found to have abused her office for her personal gain in getting an Alaska State Trooper fired.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Show Your Independence
July 4th is a day for Americans everywhere to celebrate their independence -- of course, everyone does it in their own way.
Dr. Horrible
The story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he's too shy to talk to.
Coming soon to an internet near you, this mad love story promises high production plotlines and some of your favorite TV-turned-net celebs.
Book Talk: The Hunt for Amelia Earhart.
July the 2nd marks the anniversary of one of the greatest mysteries of aviation history -- Earhart's disappearance is still explored today.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Jackie Mason '08Vlog 33 It's Not Always About You Obama
Bush made a wonderful speech at the Knesset last week. A bold statement of solidarity with the Israelis. Referring to a Senator from over 60 years ago, Barack Obama decided it was about him. Barack Obama didn't invent appeasement. How egotistical, or paranoid could he be to think that speech was about him? If he thought it was about him, why would he even mention it? Why would he want to be known as an appeaser? It would've bean much smarter for him to keep his mouth shut. Then again, it's all about him.
Pulitzer Prize winner Geraldine Brooks at Northeastern
Pulitzer Prize winner Geraldine Brooks speaks about her book, "People of the Book," during the Northeastern University Libraries' Meet the Author Series on February 12, 2008.
Shoot Out - BMW "Sibling Rivalry" Dinan 335i vs. M3
The Bavarian brothers from the house of BMW battle to claim supremacy in "Sibling Rivalry." Watch as Craig Stanton pushes each car to their limits as we find out which prevails - stock or not.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Scientology: Chilling Propaganda Tape for Parents
A young former Scientologist testifies in court about how he was told to give this propaganda tape to his non-Scientologist parents to convince them of the evils and dangers of the public school system and to allow him to drop out of school to commit himself fully to Scientology. The audio tape played into evidence is absolutely chilling.
The Contender
On the evening he wins the Democratic Party's nomination for president, Barack Obama speaks from St. Paul, Minnesota.
June 3, 2008
Barack Obama in St. Paul, MN
Autos & Akeena Solar!
In this segment from Organic Living with the Hippy Gourmet TV, we meet Dan Reuter from Ethical Approach Auto Sales and Barry Cinnamon from Akeena Solar, who describe the synergies between electric cars and solar panels! This is a wonderful program these two great companies are instituting and Hippy Gourmet TV is proud to feature them both!
Latte Art Printing Machine
This is latte art printing machine that I built in my spare time using inkjet cartridge and an old x-y plotter.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cook Crowned 'American Idol' in Record Vote
ExtraCook Crowned 'American Idol' in Record VoteCook Crowned 'American Idol' in Record VoteThe Associated PressThe grown-up rocker triumphed over the smooth-voiced kid as David Cook claimed the "American Idol" title Wednesday. While the judges all but crowned 17-year-old David Archuleta the night before, the voters decided otherwise. (May 22)This video contains ONLY natural sound.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Vegetarian Vs. Meat Eater, Nutrition by Natalie
Vegetarian Vs. Meat Eater, Nutrition by Natalie
Is man diet naturally vegetarian, omnivorous or carnivorous? Despite popular myths the scientific evidence and historic record is clear about man's natural food.
Baby Rhino Makes Public Debut
London's Whipsnade Zoo has introduced one of its newest residents - a baby rhino born March 7. The male calf is the 55th bred in captivity and the third to Clara, a two-horned white rhino.
Burma It Can't Wait Myanmar Cyclone
30 Days for a Million Voices
Join us in a month-long campaign highlighting the Burmese struggle for liberty, democracy and human rights. Each day this month, you'll hear from celebrities who are raising their voices to build one million voices of support for Burma. Go to to see bonus footage, view more videos, and join the effort.
Dive Bomber Push-up with SGT Ken
Military Fitness exercise tip called "Dive Bomber Push-up." This exercise is demonstrated by SGT Ken. For more information see:
* Assumes no association with the US ARMY of the Department of Defense.
Stare Wars - 04 Tunisian Twins
"Snake Eyes" Hemmings takes on the Tunisian Twins. Competitive staring contest??
Senator Gravel Lobbies Obama Girl
Senator Mike Gravel lobbies for the Obama Girl Demographic
More on Mike Gravel
CBS News reports that a top Clinton strategist has told Clinton that she absolutely cannot win the nomination.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Evidence for Evolution, Part III
Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) are the relics of ancient viral infections preserved in our DNA. The odd thing is many ERVs are located in exactly the same position on our genome and the chimpanzee genome. There are two explanations for the perfectly matched ERV locations. Either it is an unbelievable coincidence that viruses just by chance inserted in exactly the same location in our genomes, or humans and chimps share a common ancestor. It was our common ancestor that was infected, and we both inherited the ERVs. ERVs providence the closest thing to a mathematical proof for evolution. And remember, ERVs are just one of the millions of FACTS that support the theory of evolution. Think about it.
New Bond Car! Aston Martin at the NY Auto Show
Join us at the NY Auto Show as we get an up close look at Aston Martin's DBS, James Bond's newest car in the upcoming Quantum of Solace, as well as their sleek V8 Vantage Roadster.
Defrosting of a Rare Colossal Giant Squid
Webcam footage of the slow defrosting process of the giant squid which had been stored at the TePapa.
Scientists Examine Newly Thawed Colossal Squid
Scientists examine a newly thawed colossal squid that was originally caught off the coast of New Zealand.
colossal giant squid defrosted 1/2 a tonne!
The squid is defrosted now and no longer scrunched up in the tank
Self-Proclaimed Jesus
Young girls speak about laying naked with a cult leader and self-proclaimed son of God, Michael Travesser.
Countdown: Olbermann Defines Hillary's Goalposts
Keith Olbermann runs through the ever-more-distant goalposts the Clinton campaign has set for Hillary to win the nomination since the campaign began.
Barack on Meet The Press: Strong & Measured Against Iran
On Meet The Press with Tim Russert, Barack addresses important aspects to maintaining a strong but reasoned position when dealing with Iran.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
New features in Google Earth 4.3
Google Earth 4.3 adds new and innovative features, including photo-realistic 3D buildings, improved navigation, and sunlight.
Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Video - 4D Proof Abortion is Murder
Come See Who Pro-Choicers Want to Be Allowed To Be Murdered. The video, "Anna's Baby February 2006". The first pictures in 3D of Anna's Son. 4D Ultrasound (also known as 3D/4D Ultrasound) is the most advanced technology used by sonographers during pregnancy to evaluate the unborn baby. The film proves that the unborn child is a human being and that abortion is nothing more than the murder of an innocent human being. This item is part of the collection: Open Source Movies. Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Hundreds strip naked on glacier in global warming protest
Six hundred people shed their clothes on a glacier in the Swiss Alps to bodily cry out for help against a planetary emergency: global warming.
The nude volunteers posed for us and renowned naked "installation" artist Spencer Tunick on the Aletsch Glacier.
Greenpeace discovers new species in threatened Bering Sea
Greenpeace discovered a new species of sponge in the submarine canyons of the Bering Sea. See the new species for yourself! Dive into our "Aaptos Kanuux - Heart of the Bering Sea" video of the new sponge and other species living in the depths of the Bering Sea.
Gene therapy success 'reverses' blindness
Two experimental studies have shown that gene therapy could treat a rare form of hereditary blindness.
Hillary's Obama Sex Fantasy - Comedy Time
Hillary reveals her secret sexual fantasies for Barack Obama. She also discusses her sex life with former President Bill Clinton among other scandalous topics in this exclusive must see interview!
MTV Twilight Tuesday 04.29.08 - Robert Pattinson
Robert responds to a plethora of marriage proposals.
Ron Paul Hits it out of the Park on CNN American Morning
Ron Paul on CNN - 28/04/08. Ron Paul tells CNN's John Roberts he is still in the race and gaining support from delegates every day!
"Maybe you're a good Republican, if you stand up for Republican principles!"
"GOP can't shut me out."
John Roberts: "Well you've still got $4 million to do it. Hah other candidates would like that money too."
Yea, but you have to earn it Mr Roberts. ;)
Partly why McCain is bankrupt. :D